<aside> ➡️ Before activate eSIM, Please check if your device is eSIM compatible.


eSIM compatible

<aside> ➡️ If you have already chosen a plan and paid



On the activation date you will receive an email including your new phone number. Once you have received this email Please:

  1. Power down the mobile device
  2. Insert the PhoneBox SIM card (or scan eSIM)
  3. Restart the device - Services are now available!

<aside> ➡️ To register new services, please sign up by following the steps below :


<aside> 1️⃣ Visit the PhoneBox website

<aside> 🔹 Click <Plans>




<aside> 2️⃣ Select the plan you would like to use and click on <eSIM>



<aside> 3️⃣ Click <Purchase> to proceed with activation.


<aside> 4️⃣ Personal Information

<aside> 🔹 Please fill out the personal information, ensuring accuracy. Make sure to fill out every information in English.



<aside> 🔹 Port In

<aside> 🔹 Choose the activation date you would like to start your services



And click on <Next>


<aside> 5️⃣ If it is Monthly plan, Please check Prorated Fee on the pop-up.



<aside> 6️⃣ Check your plan details and click the check box that you’ve read and understand the terms. Click <Proceed to Checkout>.



<aside> 7️⃣ Select your payment method



<aside> 8️⃣ If you choose Credit card to pay, please put your card number, name on the card, expiration date and CVV correctly. *Check the box ‘Save for Auto Payment’, if you would like to pay automatically every month.

